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Chapter 66

The Scion of the Labyrinth City

Brought to you by Omega Translations

[Translator - ogata]

[Proofreader - Kot]

Chapter 66: Having Sex for Mom (1)

After the intense night with Jennis, I decided to have a late breakfast with her.

“How’s the breakfast, Mother?”

“The soup tastes a bit…”

“What’s wrong?”

“Somehow, this soup almost tastes like someone’s cum.”

The maids became visibly flustered.

I can’t be caught off guard. Jennis is just trying to take control of the situation.

Now that the maids know I raped Jennis, I need to handle the situation as best as I can.

“Really? Would you like me to drip some on your bread?”

“Forget it. You’re such a smartass.”

“I was serious.”


Jennis stabbed a sausage with her fork and violently ripped it apart in an emotionally-fueled fit of rage.

“You needn’t be so upset. Whatever happened, happened.”

“Whatever happened, happened?”

“After all, I’m sure it was much better for you to have sex with a young man with a hard cock, as opposed to some old man suffering from erectile dysfunction. Not that you could compare the two anyway.”

The maids were horrified to hear what I said.

Jennis, too, was wide-eyed, but I had no intention of taking back what I said.

“I hesitate to say this, but it worked out well for me that my father passed before he had sex with you.”

“You are sick.”

“I thought you already knew that.”

I need to make sure the maids remember that I raped Jennis and that she has no choice but to take my insults.

“If you’d like to return to the Kingdom, then you’re free to go. Just remember how pathetically useless you’d be to them. You’re a widow who lost her territory to her son. On top of that, you're not even a virgin anymore.”


“You better accept that you’re mine now, Mother. It won’t be every night, but it would be nice to keep you company once in a while, don’t you think?”

“You make it sound like you’re doing me a big favour.”

“I’m massaging your tits, ass, and pussy. Of course it’s a huge favour.”


Disgusted, Jennis gave me a look. On the surface, it looked like a natural reaction to all the obscene things I’d been saying to her, but I knew she was telling me something else.

You don’t need to bring yourself down so much, Louie.

Jennis has known about my plan to establish my own kingdom for a while now. She’s just letting me know the cover is believable and that I don’t need to say anything else.

“Right then, you can let me know when you’d like me to visit you.”

I leaned back deeply in the seat.

“If you’d like, you can even visit me in my office whenever, as long as I’m not working, that is.”

Jennis didn’t say anything, and I continued.

“Congratulations, you’re mine now. Head Maid!”

“Yes, Scion.”

Emma, who I assume is loyal to the Kingdom just like Jennis, answered.

“Do you help my mother with her bath?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Routinely check and report to me on my mother’s period.”

“You… You!!!”


Jennis slammed the table and stood up from her seat.

“Your rotten mind must’ve eaten away at your brain! Must you disrespect me like this?!”

“Disrespect? It is important for me to know if my women are pregnant.”

“You should’ve worded it better!”

Jennis pointed at my crotch.

“How dare you say those things when you’re getting your cock sucked by two women! Stop this insolence at once!


I almost forgot.

I’m feeding Laura and Yurdias breakfast right now.



Laura looked up at me to ask for my permission to make more noise, despite initially trying to give me a blowjob as quietly as possible. Yurdias, on the other hand, didn’t seem to care how much noise she was making while she ran her tongue up and down my cock.

“I don’t understand—I thought you were hungry.”


“I don’t see what’s wrong about us sharing a meal together while I try to calm my raging cock down. We only have so much time on this earth, so we need to be efficient with our time.”

I pat both Laura and Yurdias on their heads.

“I guess I can make a special exception for you, Mother. If you would like to have sex with me, I’ll accept your advances, even if they’re during my work hours. I’ll even allow you to suck my cock. Remember, even if you don’t come…”


“I have many women lining up to suck my cock.”


A little while later, in the sex room.

“Was that too much?”

“I think you might’ve taken it a bit too far.”

Even Laura didn’t seem to approve of what I said.

“You told me not to touch you when you’re working!”


“You won’t even let me give you a handjob while you’re working, but Countess Jennis can give you a blowjob? That’s unfair!”

“She’s a noble.”


I guess Laura didn’t expect that.

“What? Nobles should have some sort of a privilege, don’t you think, Yurdias?”

“Is being able to suck your dick a privilege?”

“Of course it is. She can monopolise my cock when she’s blowing me.”

I continued nonchalantly.

“You’ll enjoy the same privileges if you become nobles yourselves, so don’t worry.”


“We have to be nobles to be able to suck your dick?”

“I think it makes a lot of sense. Look, Laura seems more eager than ever before.”

“That’s because Laura is… Nevermind.”

Yurdias gave up.

“Anyway, the news of what you’ve done to the Countess will spread whether you like it or not. It’s something even the Thieves Guild can’t control.”

“That’s expected. I can already imagine what they’ll say.”

Louie Permarten, the incestuous bastard!

I knew it was only a matter of time!

“Was this a part of your plan, Scion?”

“No, I was drunk.”


“I saw a super fuckable girl, and one thing led to another…”

“I was under the impression you had your every move planned.”

“No, it’s not like that. I’m a simple man. I only have one plan in my mind.”

I looked down at my cock.

“First, I have sex, and then I plan. Men can think the most clearly after sex.”

AKA post-nut clarity.

“See, the fact I raped Jennis doesn’t change. The fact that Jennis is the wife of the Count also won’t change. Since I’m the leader of Permarten, that makes me more or less a Count. So, in a way, it was supposed to happen. Considering how Jennis was meant to carry a Permarten child, she should be happy she’s getting boned by me and not my father.”

“I see you meant what you said to the Countess.”

“Of course I’m proud to have taken the virginity of a woman like Jennis. I feel the same way for you too.”

Here are Louie Permarten’s lifelong achievements:

Take Laura’s virginity: 1/1

Take Yurdias’ virginity (Bondage): 1/1

Sleep-rape & take Serika’s virginity: 1/1

Rape Jennis & take her virginity: 1/1

Virginities taken: 4/???

Knowing there’s still much to come, I can’t afford to stop.

“Yurdias, if she were my real mother, I’d deserve to be dragged through the mud for having had sex with her, but is it really wrong for me to have sex with a woman I’m not even related to?”

“No. It is as you said, Scion—it’s something that was supposed to have happened anyway. I don’t think anyone will say much about it.”

“Exactly. I haven’t done anything wrong. I saved my mother’s life by having sex with her.”

This isn’t a joke.

“By now, the Kingdom has to know that I’ve decided to impregnate a woman, so if I don’t give Jennis any attention, the Kingdom will conclude she’s useless and likely kill her.”

“Oh, I see. The Kingdom won’t kill the Countess because they think they can still use her.”

“Exactly. I’ll need to convince her to act as a double spy for me by using my cock.”

“I’m sure she’ll grab your cock to ally herself with you and not the Kingdom.”

Wait, I just remembered something.

“Umm… What happened to Serika?”

“Hehe, I washed her.”

Laura winked at me.

“I made sure to get rid of the evidence that you gave her a facial!”

I’m not quite sure if she was really asleep the entire time, but more power to her, I guess…?

“Next time, I'm only going to make Serika drink.”

I’m afraid I’ll make another mistake.

What if I rape someone again?

“Next time, I’ll rape someone while sober so I can remember everything.”


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