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Chapter 61

The Scion of the Labyrinth City

Brought to you by Omega Translations


[Translator - ogata] 

[Proofreader - Kot]


Chapter 61: To the Labyrinth! (7)

Despite being a game rated for Teens, there are monsters with sexual connotations.

For example, the game might call a monster a ‘mushroom’, but it actually just looks like a penis. This is fairly common within the world of POA.

The Infinite Labyrinth is a place designed to break people down physically, mentally, and psychologically. It’s not such an uncommon thing for a hideous monster like this to pop up.

It makes me feel awful to fight this thing, though.

While my hands are glued to the golem controller, my consciousness is one with the living armour that’s swinging away at Obelisk.

“Horn E. Mann, it’s just getting harder every time we attack it!!”

I concentrated my attack on the hardened spot of Obelisk.

[If we keep up our attack, the barrier will eventually break! As shitty as it feels, we can’t give up!]

“This sucks!”

The Infinite Labyrinth tempts adventurers in various ways, but lust is undoubtedly its greatest weapon.

The developers avoided directly showing its adult content since it wouldn’t sell as well if it got an 18+ rating. So, instead, they would blur out certain parts, or insinuate sex without actually talking about it. An exciting medieval adventure for teens is just a cover for a dark fantasy game loaded with sexually-charged content. 


“Erm…” Jennis hesitated.

“What are you doing, Mother?” I snapped at her.

“I need you to stroke my cock right away! Otherwise, I won’t be able to kill the raging monster!”


Wearing her white gloves, Jennis grabbed my cock once again.

I asked for her help to stop the Labyrinth from going into a frenzy, but she only started jerking me off moments before Astarote collapsed.

Why is she making such a fuss about this?! I’m protecting the whole city by trying to kill Obelisk before it does any real damage. She should be on her knees sucking my cock in gratitude!

“Simply holding my penis isn’t good enough! You must stroke it or I’ll lose the signal!”

“What does that have to do with the signal?”

“The signal will die unless you jerk me off!”

This feels like having a spotty wifi connection in the middle of a ranked game. 

“Take your gloves off, Mother!”

“What?! Are you telling me to touch your—”

“Right now! I’m going to lose the signal to the living armour!”


Jennis finally took off her gloves and grabbed my cock with both of her hands.


“What’s going on? Are you okay, Horn E. Mann?”

[Everything’s fine. It’s all sorted out now.]

The battle continued after I momentarily lost the connection to the armour. My armour had been damaged while I was gone. 

[Captain, what happened? I lost the connection to the armour for a bit.]

“Obelisk whipped its body out of nowhere.”


There must’ve been a huge attack while I was gone.

“Mother, I’ll hold you responsible for what happened.”

“How am I responsible?”

Jennis looked puzzled, but she didn’t dare remove her hands from my dick.

“Is she okay?”

“She passed out from overusing sex magic.”

I stuck my arms under Astarote’s armpits to hold up her body. My cock, as hard as the raging Obelisk from not having cum yet, was still rubbing against her thighs.

[Captain, we’re at our limit. We need to wrap this up quickly.]

“Understood! We’ll finish it off right away!”

Laura stepped in front of me with her bow.

The flamboyant bow grabbed Jennis’ attention as I quickly scanned the room.

Amy seems to have everything under control.

Maybe it’s because of Jennis’ presence that no one asked any questions about what was going on in my office. Nothing will change even if someone finds out what I’m doing here, but I would still like to keep this a secret for as long as possible.


A golden trail from Laura’s bow pierced Obelisk’s torso.


“Be careful, everyone!”

Why is it spewing blood from its head?

“Don’t let it hit you—it's acidic!”

I grabbed Laura’s waist and covered her in my arms.


[The armour can be repaired, and I can’t let you get hit.]


The armour began disintegrating as a cloud of smoke rose from my armour. I calmly picked up the pickaxe off of the ground.

[Let’s wrap this up.]


After bracing against the shockwave of Obelisk’s tremendous scream, I noticed a crack on its body.

The sharp vertical crack looks a lot like a vag— Nevermind. 


“Umm, yes?”

“I won’t have as much control once I’m fully focused, so you might need to block it with your hands if it shoots out.”

“Shoot out…? Wait, you mean…” 

I gave her a fair warning.

Now I need to defeat the horrid monster.

[Give it everything you got!]

I will kill Obelisk, even if destroys this armour.


I attacked it full force with the pickaxe.

Serika sprinted behind me and jumped up, using my shoulder and the pickaxe as a platform.


She slashed it into two perfect halves. The concentrated aura on the blade forced the explosion of blood away from us.


A formless creature popped out from the inside of the Obelisk and spread its bizarre wings in an attempt to escape.


“Yes, sir!”

She flung her body before I could even finish my sentence and threw her daggers.

The creature flinched and stopped midair in an attempt to dodge the daggers.

“I’ll finish this!”

I didn’t need to give her an order.

A golden arrow pierced the formless creature and Obelisk came apart with a flood of bright light.

I jolt of excitement rushed from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.

It doesn’t matter that this wasn’t a real boss monster, or that I wasn’t there in person. Just knowing that I just defeated a monster several times my size filled me with a thrill like nothing else.

“Louie…? What do I do with this?”

Jennis was frozen in place with her hands cupping my tip.


I must’ve came due to the exhilaration of victory. 

Well, there isn’t really anything you can do with my cum right now since Astarote is already passed out. I guess I could try this…

“Did you know sperm is excellent for your skin?’


“Look at Laura. Do you see how flawless her skin is? She’s been doing nothing but sucking my dick since she got here.”


“It’s no different from a slime facial cream. You’re not going to throw away a Permarten’s sperm, are you?”

“I… I was…”

“I’m just kidding.”

Having my cum in her hands is already enough for me.

“Please pour it into a bottle. Astarote needs it for her research, and I’ll need to rub it inside the living armour as well.”

“You rub your sperm in the armour?”

“Yes. It’s something Astarote discovered.”

I let go of the controller and used Astarote’s thighs to rub cum off my cock. As I pulled her away—


Jennis’ hands slipped, pooling my sperm on Astarote’s thighs.

I grabbed the controller again.

[Wrap up whatever you’re doing there and come back here immediately.]

I want to have sex.

“We’ll be back soon!”

“Horn E. Mann, we found a magic stone.”

Serika picked up the stone, proudly showing off its blue gleam to the world.

Shivers ran down my spine.

That’s it!

It’s lapis, also known as the ‘gacha stone’.

[Store it in my armour and bring it back.]

It’s probably impossible to use it for gacha like I did in the real world, but I’m sure it’ll be useful, though I’m not sure how.

“Is… Is it done? Is it over?”

“Yes, Mother. My knight order happened to be nearby, so we took care of it. But, now my cock’s about to rage…”

I need to have sex.

“I’ll leave you in charge of dealing with what happened in the Labyrinth. I’m busy making preparations.”


“To commemorate the victory…”


“I’m going to have a hot and sexy fuck party.”


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