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Chapter 72

The Scion of the Labyrinth City

Brought to you by Omega Translations

[Translator - ogata]

[Proofreader - Kot]

Chapter 72: Smeared with Permarten Darkness (2)

I’m a man.

I want to have sex with every beautiful woman I see, and I’m fortunate enough to have my fill.

But, there are times where a man wants his partner to take charge, no?

Oppa, what will you do for me if I get on top of you?

Can’t you just get on top without making a big deal of it? I’m tired.

What? So you’re just going to lie down there and do nothing?

Ugh, I’m tired because I had to work late.

Sometimes, I just want her to take charge while I just lie down with an erect cock.

I usually feel like that when I want to have sex but I’m not sure whether I have enough stamina… Like right now.

Yurdias instantly threw off all her clothes and jumped on my cock.

“This is great, Scion! No one would ever think you’d let me get on top.”

“Yeah, we couldn’t do this outside of this room.”

While there aren’t any restrictions on women riding a Permarten, there's a general understanding that no one can physically or figuratively get on top of one.

We don’t have to think about that in the sex room, though.

With my hands behind my head, I relaxed my whole body.

“Do you like this, Scion?”

“It’s different, like I’m getting my dick massaged by your pussy.”

“Hehe, I’ll keep going.”

While Yurdias did jump on top of my cock, it was yet to penetrate her.

Yurdias was rubbing herself on me like a woodworker applying a thin, but even, coat of wax on a piece of lumber.

“Why would anyone need an aphrodisiac? I just need to rub myself on you and I start to feel more sensitive than ever before.”

“It just shows how much you love my cock.”

“I’m not only in love with your cock, Scion!”

“What else, then?”

“Hmm… Your power and authority?”

“At least you’re honest about it.”

As Yurdias kept inching back and forth, only the tip of my cock would continuously dig into her pussy.

“I love your cock, your power, and everything else you have. I love how considerate you were in naming me Master of the Thieves Guild.”

“I’m only using you to achieve my goals.”

“Hehe. May I use you as well, then?”

“You already are.”

I glanced down at my crotch.

“You’re using my cock to get off.”

“I’m only trying to make it harder!”

“It’s already hard. Don’t you think that’s enough foreplay?”

“I’ll rub it until you’re on the verge of cumming first.”

“Are you insane?”

How dare she try to control when I cum.

“What an arrogant little thing.”

“Won’t you let me?”


I mean, I was already about to cum! She’s way too good with her hips.

“Did you practice this, Yurdias?”

“How could I? I’m just making it up on the go.”

“You’re too fucking good at it for this to be your first time.”

“Ahem, Scion.”

She looked down at me, licking her lips.

“I feel like my status has been elevated since you’re using such unrefined language.”


“It’s as if… I’m a Guild Master fucking a common thug off the street.”

“Shut the fuck up.”

Yurdias flinched as I tried to get up.


“Don’t scare me like that, Scion.”

“You started it! How long are you going to tease my cock for?”

“Hmph! You always bend over backwards for Laura.”

Yurdias puffed her cheeks and placed her hands on my stomach.

“You give too much special treatment to Laura. It makes me sad.”

“Huh? I’m giving Laura special treatment?”

“Yes, you wouldn’t…”


“You wouldn’t have allowed Laura to say no when you wanted her to ride you.”


She started squeezing her pussy around my cock, as if it was a sign of protest.

“You would’ve told Laura to shut up and get on top of you if you didn’t think she was special.”

“That’s true.”

“That is special treatment.”

“You need to understand that she's innocent and naive.”

“HAH!” Yurdias couldn't help but burst out in laughter.

“I’m sorry.”

I got a sudden burst of her saliva on my face that I may or may not have minded, I but decided to let it go since it was partially my fault.

“It’s okay, but I would’ve slapped you with my cock if we were outside.”

“Why wouldn’t you just use your hand?”

“Because that would hurt.”

“But you’re fine with cockslapping me?”

“Of course.”

I’m sure slapping her face with my cock could hurt, but it wouldn’t be as bad as using my hand.

“Is it that funny to hear that Laura’s innocent and naive?”

“Don't you realise how weird it sounds?”

“But she is! She’s like a blank canvas. It’s just…”

“It’s just…?”

“I’m drawing a picture on that canvas with my cum.”

You can call it… sexlighting.

After losing her virginity to total trash, she lost herself in so much pleasure that she couldn’t even think about having sex with other men.

I’ll take all the credit, thank you.

“So she is innocent, just in her own way. On the other hand, you won’t stop scheming even though my erect cock is in front of you.”

“I gave you my virginity! I’m not scheming about anything.”

“Come on, be honest with yourself. You were thinking about what it would be like to accidentally push your ass onto my cock, weren’t you?”

She was trying to hold back her smile, but her dimples gave it away.

“It’s so damn obvious.”

“Maybe it’s inappropriate for me to ask, but have you ever had a woman with similar… preferences to me? Is there someone I don’t know about?”


I reached out to her and her hand met mine halfway.

“You knew you wouldn’t get to play with my cock for a while, so you must’ve been trying to distract me so I’d fuck your ass instead of your pussy.”

“If I really did that—”

“You’d be guilty of disobeying my order and tricking my cock.”

I brushed her palm with my middle finger.

“That’s punishable by death.”

Yurdias had now buried my cock in her pussy, breathing deeply.


She began moving her hips in a slow, circular motion.

“Some people say you sell off the girls of your knight order after you get tired of their pusy.”

“Sell off? Who the fuck’s saying that bullshit? It makes me furious thinking about it.”

What do you do with the gacha characters you collect?

You may stow them away in a box, never to see them again, but you would never sell them to another person.

“Sex is always special. I could never get tired of it.”

“But the girls might get boring once you wear out their pussies.”

“Hmm, really? I must’ve fucked Laura a few hundred times, but it’s still nice and tight.”

“Well… she’s different.”

I pulled her towards me and kissed the back of her hand.

“It’s the same with you.”

“Really? My pussy’s more capable than I thought.”

“Of course. You should be thankful to me for helping you find your calling.”

She kissed my hand in return.

“I’m eternally grateful to you, Scion.”

“Help me cum if you’re so grateful. I’ll just lie down and watch your tits bounce.”

“Would you like something like this as well?”

She began playing with her own tits as she finally started to eagerly move her hips.

“They say your knight order is actually for whores… so how about I fuck you like a whore would?”

“It’s not good to call yourself a whore, but I can improve your sexual technique to the level of a whore. You’ll match a whore who’s had a hundred customers by having sex with me a hundred times.

“A hundred? Do you think that’s enough?”

She placed her knees on either side of my body and leaned back.

“I’ll give it my all until the day you allow me to give you my ass.”

“You and your obsession with anal…”

Should I fuck her in the ass just this one time?

No, she’ll beg for more.

I need to show her she can find pleasure in vaginal sex as well.

Whatever. I’ll just let her ride me all she wants for now. It’s something we can only do when Laura isn’t here, anyway.

It looks like Yurdias is really horny now that Laura isn’t here.

…Wait a minute.


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